Nona Djavid

Mastermind & Group Coaching

I’m Dr Nona Djavid, and I help chiropractors build million-dollar practices.


  • Collections plateauing / hitting a ceiling?

  • Constantly looking for new patients?

  • Stuck in a PAIN based clinic?

  • Working too many hours?

  • Slave to the insurance companies?

  • Not getting paid what you’re worth?

  • Scripts and one size fits all coaching?

  • Selling instead of serving?

Students &
New Chiros

  • Stuck in an associate position?

  • Dreams of opening up your own practice, but don’t know how?

  • Overwhelmed with everything that goes into opening a practice?

  • Need mentorship, support, and community?

  • Need help navigating through opening and/or growing a successful practice?

  • Need marketing and growth resources?

That’s Where I Come In.

The PTMD Mastermind provides knowledge, exchange of ideas, and resources to quantum leap you to the next level.

Your Membership Includes:

Every Thursday at 10:30am pacific time, Dr. Allison Carlson will teach students interested in running their own practices, everything from forming their corporations, setting up systems, and picking a location, to branding, marketing, and patient acquisition and retention. Dr Nona will also host a Q and A session once a month, LIVE on Zoom.

Your membership includes access to Dr Nona’s eLIVate Club in which you’ll receive weekly lessons on mindset and entrepreneurship. You’ll learn to put spiritual and scientific concepts of success into practical steps. Clarity around your goals or vision for life. Life hacks that get you there faster. And expanding all that you want to create in this life.

Every Tuesday from 9-10:30 pacific time, Dr Nona Djavid runs this LIVE Zoom session. MasterMind topics include “Day 1 Experience That Move Patients Away from Pain”, “Automated Internal Referral Systems”, “Table Topics That Bring New Patients”, “Workshop Strategies That Convert”, and much more. Chiropractors from all over the world join in, and most watch the recordings.

Every Monday, Ardavan Javid founder of MyChiroPractice and Graphicwise, shares practical and cutting-edge marketing tips that every chiropractic office can implement, in order to expand their footprint on Google, social media, and traditional media, with the goal of attracting quality patients.

Every first Tuesday of the month, we host a CA Training session by Hailey Jules. These sessions will inspire your team, enable them to grow the practice, and consistently provide life-changing experiences for all patients. Hailey used to help run Dr Nona’s Part Time Million Dollar Cash Practice.

Damian Tenuta is our social media coach. He has been helping chiropractors inside PTMD mastermind elevate their social media game, in order to increate visibility, brand awareness, or gain more patients.

We have an exclusive facebook page for our members. Running a practice can be lonely, even if you work with other doctors. The PTMDC culture is about creating a community that is supportive of succeeding in our practices. This is where you’ll find most replays, as well as announcements and offers.

As part of the PTMD mastermind member, you get access, first dibs, and discounts on Elivate Retreat events. These transformative, unique experiences combined with inner-work workshops at exotic destinations around the world, will change your life and trajectory.

As a PTMD mastermind member, you will receive exclusive discounts on chiropractic patient education posters, TV slideshows, social media images, EHR software, and seminars.

Achieve Your Ideal Practice

  • Increase your collections

  • Work less hours

  • More quality family time

  • Get paid your true worth

  • More conviction

  • Greater clarity and confidence

  • Increase retention and referrals

  • Enjoy going to work

  • More inspired team

  • and MUCH more!

Nona Djavid

I’m here to add value. If you already belong to another practice management group – this is designed to make your practice better, not replace your practice management group. Although it might, eventually.

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Join My Weekly Mastermind and Group Coaching Program!

Doctor – $597 / Month
No Contracts • Cancel Anytime

Your Monthly Membership Will Get You…

  • LIVE Doctor Q & A

  • Accountability

  • Handling Patient Objections

  • Creating Systems

  • Improving Communication

  • Building Value

  • Cluster Booking and Scheduling

  • Improving Your Consults

  • ROF and Financials

  • Creating Lifetime Patients

  • Assembling Your Dream Team

  • Internal and External Marketing

  • Patient Education

  • Branding, Website, and PR

  • Getting Referrals

  • and Much More!


Join My Weekly Mastermind and Group Coaching Program!

Doctor – $597 / Month
No Contracts • Cancel Anytime