Cash is King, But Conviction is the Queen!
So many doctors ask me how I made the switch. I give them all the information, all the systems, and all the scripts… and a handful finally make the change. But I find that the ones who aren’t ready yet, have a fear of losing some patients, or are worried about cash flow. When it comes down to it, the majority don’t have the conviction that they are worth it… that people will pay, even when they have great coverage… that chiropractic is life force, and there is nothing more important than life.
Cash May be King but without Queen Conviction, it’s worthless.
Some of you have already received my Front Desk Script I have developed specific to a cash practice, and more of you asked. Although it is a small piece of the cash practice puzzle, it is a great start. It’s free to download it here.
Finally… for my Chiropractic Sisters – join me on a Weekly Group Coaching Call / FB Live and hear tips and ideas on starting and/or growing your practice. Mark your calendars… it’s every Tuesday at 10 am Pacific time. This week we are talking about setting up Dinner with The Doctor. It’s free!