Chiropractors: Is Your Coach Boxing You Into Their System?
If you are anything like me, you have a deep desire for success and serving your purpose as a chiropractor. You’ve probably hired a coach only to find out what they teach, doesn’t really resonate with you. Or that they try to fit you into a box that you don’t belong in. Or they keep telling you to follow their roadmap, when deep down your journey and destination isn’t aligned with theirs. Or maybe you’ve simply outgrown them, and it’s time to move on.
Most frustrating of all, some of you have told me that your coaches haven’t walked the walk, but keep pushing you to do thing their way, and insisting its the perfect approach.
I was trapped in a couple of these scenarios myself. With the best mentors in the industry, I was successful, but I could only get so far. It wasn’t until I focused on my own strength and core values that I was able to create my part-time million dollar cash practice. This is when growth became effortless. My practice transformed. I not only had more abundance financially, but also had freedom in terms of time to do the things that fulfilled me personally.
I chose to spend the time and energy that I had found on my family and two little boys. The type of energy that opens up when you only do what you enjoy. Less spinal screenings, and more vacations. Less stressing about where the next new patient is going to come from, and more referrals – personal and online.
After creating my part-time million dollar cash practice based on my own core values, I started to help other chiropractors do the same. These chiropractors experience pure joy when they allow their practice to align with them, resulting in them working smarter (not harder), and make more money on a part-time basis than they would full-time. With more time opening up, they get to experience their next adventure, time with family, and focusing on their purpose.
If you are tired of being fitted into a box, asked to memorize scripts that are inauthentic and not aligned with you, or think your coach or mentor isn’t utilizing your strengths and core philosophy to your advantage, I’m here to guide you. DM me and we can brainstorm and see where you are stuck and how you can grow your practice effortlessly.